planning na post bnd ni b4 exam,,tp intenet laju sangat smpy xterbukak blog~ so,ditengah2 pon jadilah,,haha
nak cite ni,,persiapan ntok exam,,sebelom ni,,even after 1 hari exam,stil aku xcaye yg aku da nak abes sem 2,,cepatnye mase berlalu,,tup2 lagi 3 bulan aku da kne berangkat,INSYA-ALLAH,,
tp mslahnya,,eh mane ade masalah,jus a litle bit rintangan je,,bak kate svet,FRICTION FORCE,,haaa lagi tinggi friction means we need more force,,but where do we get those forces? ni la yang jadi dilemma aku skg ni,sape la yang mahu n mampu jadi source of forces ntok aku harungi friction ni,skarang ni aku cam da xde force na teruskan bnd ni,,it doesn’t mean that i have problems in study,tp ntah nape ta aku rase,,cam kosong giler dok kat sini,,nk cakap xminat,dlu aku gak yg pileh course ni,,hemm ape bole buat,teruskan jela..
ade lagi tu,,dalam pada aku nga sebuk2 na stady ntok final exam ni,ade pulak berita hamba ALLAH ni datang kt aku soh pileh fakulti ntok sambung kt rusia nanti,,aduhai,mane la aku na pileh kala otak nga serabut ngn mcm2 bnd segala bagai ni,,
anyway,the higher the FRICTION, the higher the FORCE we need to overcome it,meaning the higher velocity will be produced,which will lead to a higher acceleration,,and consequently will produce a GREATER impulsive force which will make a GREATER IMPACT..haha,,thanks to svet la~(pdhal bnd basic mse skola lgi tu~)
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