Sunday, August 28, 2011

tak tenteram..

know what,,mlm ni aku btol2 rase xtng hati,,aku xtaw la knape,,even bnd ni senanye da lame,tapi aku still xdpt punca dia,,nak cite kat orang pon susa,,sbbnye,,,bnd ni xde sebab,,hurm,,rase mcm orang gila pon ade jugak,,yela xsemena-mena aku happy,n then tetibe sedih,,pastu curious xtntu pasal,,n then tah ape2 lagi la,,sometimes bnd ni nmpak positif,bila aku tetibe happy even in the worst situation,,but sometimes mmg spoil bile aku tetibe bloom in the middle of a great moment(which it should be) n part tu mmg aku besenye down abes,,see xtntu pasal aku bole down sorg2,,bile pkir balek bnd ni mcm ntah pape,,ngarut je,,tapi siyes aku da makin fed up ngn bnd ni,,hurm.
nk cite senanye,,mlm ni mase aku tgah moody ni,,chatting ngn my girl lak,,but the network turns F#*& n we got some miscomunication which end up she blame me 4 something i dont realy understand,,mybe its my fault 4 not understanding,,but its the network,,plus my condition mlm ni yg moody tntu pasal,,otak dah menerawang entah ke mane,,hm  ntah la,,even she cannot at least ease me a bit,,how would anyone else? but i know there is someone..(amende merepek ni)

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